
The human body is made up of different parts with different functions.

The head, hands, legs, and abdomen all have functions they perform. For example, when we eat, we chew or swallow food in our mouth. Then it goes inside us to give us energy.

When we want to breathe, our nose helps us.

When we want to walk to our friend’s house, our legs help us to do that. When we want to know the taste of food, our tongue helps to do that.

For everything that we want to do, there are certain parts of the body known as organs that help us to do that. These organs work together with other organs.

When various organs come together to perform a particular function that group of organ and their function is called a system. For example, there is a system that helps us to breathe, there is also a system that helps us to move about, and there is also another system that helps us to urinate.

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