Examples of Adaptation

  • Frogs with webbed feet to help them swim fast.

  • Elephants with huge ears that flaps to keep them cool in hot conditions.

  • Meerkats have dark circle around their eyes that act like sunglasses. They can see clearly when the sun shines brightly.

  • Some monkeys have adapted their tails to be very strong like an extra arm or leg and can hook on to tree branches.

  • Some turtle’s Shells look like hard rocks especially when they put their head and legs back inside.

  • Penguins Huddling together to keep warm. Their bodies are also shaped to swim quickly and catch fish.

  • Camels in the desert conserving water and going days without drinking. They also store fat in their humps for extra energy.

  • Lion’s fur mimics their habitat so they can quietly pounce on their prey without being seen.

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