Mammals, Fish, Insects, Reptiles and Birds


These are animals that have hair and produce milk to feed their babies. The most common example is Human beings. Others are Kangaroos, Pandas, Dolphins, and Camels. Mammals are warm blooded animals.


These are animals that live in water (sea, rivers etc). Fish have scales, gills and fins. Examples of some fishes include Tilapia and Tuna. Most fish are cold blooded.


These are animals that have outside skeletons (exoskeletons). Most insects have their bodies usually split into 3 parts which are the Head, Thorax and Abdomen. They also have compound eyes, antennas and some also have wings. Insects are known to be the largest group of animals with over 1 million species found in every type of habitat. Examples are ants and flies.


These types of animals have scaly skin and are cold blooded. They can live on land or in the water. Examples are crocodiles, lizards and snakes


These types of animals have feathers, wings and beaks. Most birds live on land and in trees. All birds have wings but not all of them can fly. Examples of birds are doves and chickens.

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