Important Facts

  • The pull of the moon’s gravity causes High tide and low tides of the oceans.
  • The moon is the only other object (planet/satellite) in the solar system that has been visited by man.

  • It does not have an atmosphere like earth or the other planets and the sky always appears black.

  • It is easily exposed to the sun’s rays and any other debris that comes into contact with it.

  • It is said a footprint can stay on its surface for centuries without being wiped off.

  • Scientists discovered that the moon is gradually drifting away from Earth. 3cm per year.

  • Due to the moon’s size it has a weaker gravity than earth, which means any object on earth would weigh much less on the moon.

  • The low gravity makes movements like jumping a bit more exaggerated and humans can leap or jump further than if they were on earth.

  • The moon has craters (holes) in it and is jokingly said to be made of cheese.

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