Interdependence of Organs

All body organs need regular supply of blood in order to function well. The circulatory system should be in its best form to supply oxygen to all parts of the body. The blood vessels carry blood containing oxygen to all organs for them to perform their functions. When an organ fail to receive adequate amount of oxygen, it may die and cause serious harm to the human body.

Secondly, in order for the organs systems to function well, the digestive system should be fully functioning. End products of digestion (glucose, amino acid, glycerol, fatty acid and other mineral salts) are needed by the body. The nutrients are broken down through respiration using oxygen from the respiratory and circulatory systems to provide large amount of energy so that the body can keep working. Improper functioning of the digestive system can cause problems like diabetes.

Whenever the food or nutrients are broken down and used by the body to produce energy, waste metabolic substances are released. These waste products are supposed to be removed by the body. Such waste substance include carbon dioxide and urea. The excretory system plays a vital role in keeping the human body safe from such substances. The lungs remove carbon dioxide whilst the kidney removes urea and excess water in our body in the form of urine.

The energy produced from the digestion and respiration enables the skeletal systems to function well. The energy causes the muscles attached to the skeleton to contract and expand well. This enables the skeleton to move. Adequate amount of the food and oxygen in the body helps the skeletal system so that we can move freely doing our daily work with ease.

The nervous system also regulates all other systems in the way they function. The brain is responsible for all other activities in the body. Such activities include breathing, movement, response to pain and touch, digestion, fighting pathogens in the body and so on. The nervous system is the control room of the body. Therefore, without it, the body will cease to function and the human body will just die.

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