Functions of the parts of the flower


This is the leaf found at the base of the flower. It may be brightly coloured or green depending on the type of the flower. Its function is to hold the upper part of the flower.


This is a large leaf-like structure that surrounds the pistil and the stamen. It is normally brightly coloured and may be scented to attract insects to the flower. Its main function is to protect the pistil and stamen against adverse weather conditions.


This is the female reproductive part of the flower. It is made of the stigma, the style, the ovary and the ovules which contains the female gamete. It receives the male gamete from the male reproductive part so that fertilization can occur.


This is the male reproductive part of the flower. It is made up of the filament and anther which contains pollen grains (male gamete). Its main function is to produce and transfer pollen grains (male gametes) to the pistil for fertilization to occur resulting in the production of fruits and seeds.

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