Water Conservation in the Home

Repair faulty and leaking pipes:

There should be a regular check and routine maintenance of pipes in the homes to detect early leakages of pipes. These leakages can cause significant amount of water loss which could have been used properly.

Wash all clothes at once:

Washing small number of clothes can cause significant amount of water usage and hence increasing bills to be paid.

Tight taps:

Ensure taps are tight when closed to avoid leakages. Also close taps when they are not in use during bathing, shaving or brushing.


When one is washing by hand, one should fill the sink or bowl with water rather than continually running the tap.

Water efficient products:

Buy water efficient products and appliances for your home. This includes dishwashers, sink systems, bathtubs.


Do not use water to defrost foods (casing ice on frozen food to melt away). Although many people use this method, it requires a lot of water consumption to do this.

Shorter Showering:

Take shorter showers as this can reduce the amount of water you are using greatly over a period of time.

Watering lawn:

The sprinkler system should be in the right way so that most water does not go the streets and gutters. Also water lawns when the time is needed.

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