Applications of Diffusion and Osmosis in our Daily Life Activities

  1. The process of osmosis is used for drying fishes. This is when water is removed from the fish.
  2. The process of diffusion is used for slating fishes
  3. Concentrated form of fruit juices do not spoil due to osmosis
  4. The use of diffusion process is used for killing pests.
  5. The use of body perfume also uses the diffusion process

NB: Plants are likely to wilt if too much fertilizer is applied to them. When too much fertilizer is applied to the plant, the excess fertilizer will dissolve into the soil water and this will increase the concentration of the soil water content with other chemicals.

When the soil water is moving into the root hair cells, it will move with the excess fertilizer content dissolved in the soil water by a process called osmosis. The polluted soil water will move from the root to the stem through the Osmosis process and then to the leaves of the plant through osmosis again. The polluted soil water containing chemicals from the fertilizer causes the leaves of the plants to wilt.

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