Characteristics of Plant leaves

Plant leaves come in different shapes and sizes, let us have a look below;

Broad leaves:

These are trees which have large, flat and wide leaves. Examples are Oak and maple trees and Palm trees. These leaves usually fall off when they mature.

**Qwesi speech bubble:** IMPORTANT FACT: Broader leaved trees have large surfaces which is good for photosynthesis

Narrow leaves:

These plants have very small and slender leaves. An example is the Black cherry tree.

Thick leaves:

These are type of trees which have fleshy leaves that might also store water in them. Examples are; Aloe, Cactus. They are also called succulent plants.

Thin Leaves:

These plants have leaves that are very thin and flat. Examples of these types of plants are;

Palm trees,



Colorful leaves:

These plants have multicolored leaves. A lot of these plants are grown and displayed in Gardens. An example is Bougainvillea

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