Weather Conditions

The weather is determined by its various conditions or “Weather Conditions”. Find the conditions down below;


This condition occurs when there is little or no presence of clouds in the sky and the sun is able to shine down on to the earth’s surface and provide light and warmth.

Cloudy conditions:

This occurs when there are a lot of thick clouds in the sky. The clouds block the sun from shining through and the atmosphere appears dark. The area is also cool and most time leads to rain.

Rainy Conditions:

Clouds contain large amounts of water vapor which are ready to be released back on to the earth’s surface. The water which falls is called rain.

Windy Conditions:

This condition occurs when different temperatures of air (both hot and cold) interact. The hot air rises into the atmosphere and the cold air takes the space that the hot air leaves behind.

Dusty Conditions:

This condition occurs when there are sand particles trapped in a gust of wind or air passing over an area.


Occurs when there is a heavy presence of water droplets in the air. This condition reduces visibility in an area.

Meteorology: The atmospheric and weather conditions of an area

Meteorologist: This is a person that studies weather patterns and climate change. They make announcements of the weather on TV and radio.

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