
It is a process by which a viable seed starts to develop into a seedling.

Conditions necessary for a seed to Germinate

There are conditions that are necessary for a viable seed to germinate. They are;

1. Air

This enters the seed through the micropyle. Oxygen is obtained from the air and this provides energy for cell division and growth.

2. Water

This also enters the seed through the micropyle. It softens the seed coat and this helps to release the plumule and radicle.

3. Suitable Temperature

Suitable temperature helps plant germination.

4. Viable seeds

Healthy seeds can germinate under suitable conditions.


  • Seeds that are dispersed before cold seasons can remain dormant to wait until the cold season is over then start to germinate when conditions are favorable.

  • When water enters the seed it enlarges, this is a sign it is germinating.

  • There is an increase of metabolic activity in the seed when germination takes place.

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