Safety precautions

These are rules set in places in order to prevent casualties. These places are schools, homes and work. The safety of the people is very important and this depends on the workers and their superiors. Most places have rules or safety measures for safe working written and pasted at visible places of the workplace. Some of the rules are:

  • Do not eat or drink in the laboratory

  • Do not taste or drink any chemical in the laboratory unless your supervisor has instructed you to do so.

  • Do not hold hot apparatus with bare hands

  • Wear safety or protective clothing when you enter the laboratory. Protective clothing such as gloves, goggles, sleeve gauntlet,nose masks, crash helmets, safety boots etc.

  • Use the right materials for every experiment stated on the instructions.

  • Report breakages immediately

  • Wash your hands thoroughly after handling chemicals or biological materials.

  • Label chemical appropriately

  • Never add water to concentrated acid.

  • Equipment must be maintained regularly.

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