Structure and Function of A Tooth

The tooth is made up of the following parts:

  • Crown: Is the part of the tooth which is covered with the enamel.

  • Root: It is embedded in the jaw.

  • Neck: It is the narrow part of a tooth between the crown and the root.

  • Enamel: It is the hardest substance in the body that covers the crown of the tooth.

  • Dentine: It lies beneath the enamel and forms a greater portion of the tooth.

  • Pulp Cavity: It is soft tissue of the tooth that consists of blood vessels and nerves. It supplies oxygen and food to the tooth. It extends from the crown to the tip of the root.

  • Cementum: It is a hard tissue covering the root surface of a tooth. It is not as hard as enamel.

  • Periodontal membrane: It is a fibrous tissue that anchors the tooth to the jaw bone and acts as shock absorbers for the tooth.

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