Noun Phrase

This is a word or group of words in a sentence that act as a subject, object or prepositional object. This means the word or group of words can be represented by a noun or pronoun.

The noun phrase can be made up of;

a. Noun

b. A quantifier and a noun (example: many students, much luck)

c. A determiner and a noun (example: a bag, their book, the room)

d. A quantifier, determiner and noun (example: a lot of the students, many of the rules)

Some example sentences; (The noun phrase is the word or words in bold)

a. Students often buy our ice cream. (A noun)

b. Many students buy our ice cream. (A quantifier and a noun)

c. A student bought our ice cream. (A determiner and a noun)

d. A lot of the students buy our ice cream. (A quantifier, determiner and a noun)

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