Are Robots Good or Bad?

There is no denying the good that robots have brought into human lives. They have been built to make work easier, they have taken up jobs that seem too dangerous, dull and dirty. They have been sent on missions and brought feedback we will need to explore or conquer unknown territories.

As engineers keep on building robots to make our lives easier, they end up building robots that can take over human jobs. This eventually leads to fewer jobs available to humans, as tasking a robot to perform the same job is cheaper and the robot might be more efficient too. This is bad as it poses problems to humans.

Engineers keep on building robots that are more advanced and smarter. They try to build robots that can be self aware and may have their own conscience (meaning they can think on their own). People end up believing that robots will eventually turn on us and start destroying human beings, as is depicted in so many movies and books.

Having robots completely autonomous is a No no.

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