Causes of Water Pollution

Sewage waste:

Most domestic and public places like houses, shops, hospitals and schools have their drainage systems linked back to surrounding water bodies. Used water from these places is said to be treated and cleaned but it will never be as pure as fresh water. The used water gets dumped back into the water bodies and ends up contaminating it.

Dirt Particles:

The buildup of debris, clay, sand and minerals in water bodies can contaminate the water. The impure water is transported from one area to another, thus making it bad for use.

Refuse dumps:

Some water bodies like rivers, streams and lakes have rubbish dumped in them. This turns them into heavy breeding grounds for micro-organisms and bacteria which are known for causing diseases like cholera, yellow fever and malaria.

Bad fishing practices:

Methods such as using explosives (DDT) to blow up areas of the water bodies causing the fish to die instantly and float upwards to be caught. This leaves harmful chemical compounds in the sea, for other human beings, fish and animals to consume.

Septic Tanks:

Every toilet is connected to a septic tank which is located outside. The tank is split into two parts one receives the solid waste whilst the other receives the liquid waste. The liquid waste can leak into the drainage systems and find its way into nearby water bodies.

Human activities:

Human beings mainly in the rural areas also use the water bodies as a place where they urinate and defecate. This is dangerous because they use this same water to cook, bath and perform other household chores.

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