Relationship between Good Governance and National Development

National development is the general improvement in the quality of life of the people. There is national development when the lives of most of the people are made better. In this case, the people can afford to buy good food to eat, buy clothes, live in a decent accommodation, and have amenities such as water and electricity available for use. The people live comfortably. We can see that all these things that characterize national development are usually made possible if there is good governance. Good governance has so much control or influence over national development. Good governance is important for national development.

National development is achieved when the following fundamentals of good governance are taking place:

i. Improvement in the quality of education resulting in greater number of children going to school.

ii. Improvement in the quality of health care resulting in the decrease of the number of babies that die.

iii. Improvement in infrastructure resulting in more good roads for easy transportation of goods and people.

iv. Fair distribution of the wealth of the country

v. Provision of more goods and services throughout the country.

vi. High productivity resulting in increase in production of foods, and other goods.

vii. Easy access to good medical care throughout the country.

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