NPN transistor

This is a type of semiconductor transistor with two junctions. P-type semiconductor in the middle is known as the base, the first N type semiconductor at the left side of the base is known as the collector and the last N type semiconductor at the right side of the base is known as the emitter.


This is a detailed diagram or presentation of NPN transistors and how they are able to work is as a result of this.

The flow of electrons on NPN is on this direction.

Emitter → Base → Collector

The NPN must firstly have a proper voltage connected across them. The voltage of the base must be more positive than that of the emitter and the voltage of collector must be more than that of the base. This aids the movement of electrons, the emitter supplies negative charges known as electrons.

The base pulls the electrons from the emitter because it has more positive voltage compared to the emitter. The collector also pulls the electrons from the base because it has more positive voltage compared to the base. The movement of electrons results in the movement of electric current.

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