Functions of the parts of a typical cell


The cell wall is strong and stiff, and gives shape to the plant cell. It prevents the cell from attacks. The cell wall plays a defensive role for the plant cell. The cell wall is made of cellulose; this makes the cell wall to be classified as cellulose cell wall.


This contains the green chlorophyll that helps plants to make their own food. The chlorophyll helps the plant to trap sunlight to aid in photosynthesis.


The vacuole is a space inside the plants cells that stores useful substances or waste product. This helps to excrete waste substances from the cell. Excretion starts from the vacuole.


This is responsible for hereditary characters. This plays a lot of roles within living things. They contain chromosomes which are responsible for hereditary characters. The nucleus is referred to as the “brain” of the cell. It controls everything that happens in the cell.


This keeps the cell together. It contains the organelles of the cell. They allow certain substances to move into and out of the cell, because they have thin skin.


Many cell activities happen in the cytoplasm. It contains many of the organelles. It stores and release energy.

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