Adverbs of Frequency

These adverbs tell us how often something happens. They tell us either the exact time it happens or they just give an idea of when it happens. They are used when referring to things that are habits or routine.

Weekly, daily, hourly, yearly, and monthly are examples of adverbs that tell us the exact time.

Sometimes, rarely, often, occasionally, usually, and seldom are examples of adverbs that give us a general idea of the frequency.

Here are some more adverbs of frequency

Frequently, Nightly, Regularly, Quarterly, Generally

Let us look at some example sentences.

Examples (The adverbs are the words in bold).

Miriam is always late.

In this sentence, always is the adverb. It gives us information on how often Miriam is late.

We sing the national anthem daily.

In this sentence, the word daily gives the reader information about how often the national anthem is sung.

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