Causes of Floods


When heavy rains occur in one area for a period of time it produces water that may be too excessive for a drainage system to dispose of. This water builds on land and causes floods.

River Flow from Highlands

When a river has more water flowing through it than it can hold the river becomes flooded. We know river water flows from high areas to low areas, so when the water coming from a highland is too much the lower land will experience flooding. Ice on mountain tops can melt and flow downwards during high temperatures causing the land below to flood.

Strong winds from a Tsunami can carry water from the sea on to land and flood its immediate surroundings.

Breaking of Dams

Dams are used to hold large quantities of water (usually from highlands example is the Akosombo dam) and prevents the water from flooding its nearby surrounding. If there is more water than the dam can contain it breaks and causes immediate flooding.

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