Environmental Degradation

To degrade the environment means to make the environment unsafe for human beings and other living things.

Environmental degradation refers to the gradual process by which the natural state and the quality of the atmosphere, land and water bodies (natural environment) are destroyed.


It is the gradual deterioration of the natural environment through the depletion of resources such as water, soil and air which can endanger plant life and animals.


It is also defined as any harmful change to the Physical and Biological environment. It is caused directly or indirectly by human activity.

The destruction of the environment may include; improper disposal of waste, surface running, indiscriminate cutting down of trees etc

Important Facts:

• Environmental Degradation is among the Top 10 list of high level threats faced by the planet according to the United Nations.

• It can also be caused by natural events such as Earthquakes, Heavy Rainfall and Volcanic eruptions. (these causes are less serious than human activity)

• Industrial Revolution is one major cause that has led to increased Environmental Degradation.

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