Physical Environment

The natural environment is also referred to as the physical environment. It consists of non-living things or the a-biotic factors.

This refers to all the things that surround us except man-made things like buildings, vehicles, machines etc. the natural or physical environment comprises of the Air, water bodies, land, living organisms etc. Air (oxygen) is essential for the survival of humans where as carbon dioxide (CO2) is needed for the growth of plants for our consumption. The water bodies include the lakes, lagoons, sea, rivers, ponds, streams, oceans etc.

The land is the dwelling place of humans and plants. Land is made up of several parts which include mountains and hills, valleys, vegetation, the mineral resources (crude oil, solid, manganese etc.) that exist below the earth, land for building and for growing crops.

These components of the physical environment indicate that the physical environment consists of things that were created by (God) Thus man has no part in its existence.

Important Fact:

The physical environment can be said to include climatic factors such as Temperature, Sunlight, Precipitation, Humidity and Wind. These factors affect Human and Plant life in one way or another.

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