Chemical Control Method

This control method deals with the use of chemicals (insecticides) to kill mosquitoes.

Some of the measures include the following:

  • By the use of mosquito traps such as the use of salt. This makes the water unsuitable for the development of mosquito eggs.

  • The use of insecticides.

  • The use of kerosene on water surfaces to prevent the breed of mosquitoes.


  • It is an effective method of reducing large scale of mosquitoes.

  • It does not require a lot of physical work

  • It is an effective method of mosquito control


  • This method is very expensive to apply due to the purchase of chemicals for control.

  • This method may pollute our environment when used wrongly.

  • It may kill other organisms aside mosquitoes

NB: Insecticide sprays are poisonous to human beings.

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