Ways to Care for the Skin

These are very important ways to take care of your 5 senses which will take care of you and keep you healthy.

The Eyes

When dirt or any other particles enter your eyes it is not advisable to rub them, this can scratch the eyes and cause bleeding. Rinse your eyes with water to remove any particles. The eyes also clean themselves when you blink. Regular blinking cleans the eyes with tears.

Do not look directly at the sun, repeatedly doing this can damage your eyes. When going out its advisable to wear sunglasses.

Reading in the dark strains the eye, always read with proper lighting. If you find yourself squinting to read, consult an optician.

The Tongue

Brush your teeth regularly and also brush your tongue. Germs usually are present on the tongue and may cause bad smell which gives you halitosis.

Try as much as possible to drink and eat warm food, very hot meals or liquids can scald your tongue.

The Nose

Avoid insert any object or substance into your nose, this is very harmful. When you have a cold try as much as possible to blow your nose gently (do not force it). Avoid picking your nose as well.

The skin

The skin is very delicate and should be treated well; in order to keep the skin healthy you should make sure you bath regularly to rid the body from any germs. Using medicated soap is also a good idea.

Make sure to keep your body moist throughout the day to avoid it drying and cracking up. Use body creams or lotions that are healthy for the skin and don’t end up discoloring it or weakening it.

The skin needs sunlight to give it Vitamin D but over exposing your body to it for a long period of time can cause sunburn. If you know you will be in the sun the whole day you can wear protective clothing that will cover your body or if you are at the beach and you wear less clothing you can apply sunscreen.

Make sure to treat and cover up any open wounds with antiseptic (like Dettol) and a band-aid.

Eating healthy is not only good for your body it can also enrich your skin. There are certain foods that keep the skin smooth and keeps it from aging too quickly, examples are strawberry, olive oil and green tea.

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