Importance of Science/Advantages

  • Science has given us more understanding to natural happenings which were superstitious. Examples are: earthquakes, menopause, not singing when your bath because your mummy will die and among others. Science has made us understand the truth behind all those beliefs. Menopause was unknown to our forefathers, but they regarded people with such experiences as witches. Menopause is a stage in the life of every woman.
    "Do not singing when bathing or else your mummy will die" was also a superstitious belief instilled in the youth. Children were told this to avoid them swallowing soap solution when bathing.
    Science has made children know the truth behind all those superstitious beliefs.

  • Science has helped us to understand, explain and find solutions to certain problems or situations in the environment. Such as low yielding of crops, cures to certain diseases and birth control by the aid of certain measures such as contraceptives.

  • Science has made life comfortable for us with some technological inversions such as computers, mobile phones and among others.

  • Mobile Phones

  • Computers

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