Scientists and how they work

A scientist is a person who studies and practices science. Scientists use their skills in a particular way to obtain scientific knowledge. These skills are called scientific method. It involves the following steps;

  • Observing: Identify the problem

  • Experimentaion: Design and carry out an experiment to investigate the problem.

  • Analysing data: Analysis of the results

  • Conclusion: Draw and make your conclusions

  • Tell other scientists about your findings from your experiment

Scientists report their works or findings to other scientists as scientist works. These reports help the scientists to;

  • Further their work easily or to help other scientists to further their work as the world keeps changing. Example is Aristotle’s observations about evolution, a lot of scientists such as Lamarck and Charles Darwin developed on those observations.

  • Repeat their experiment and to compare results for the correct findings. There is always competition between scientists for supremacy and this always brings accuracy.

  • It also serves as a foundation for other researchers to further experiments.

  • Relate to other experiments or relate to already done experiments for other findings since some experiments are related.

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