Physical Properties of the Soil

There are different types of soil. Their differences are based on physical properties and their functions. There are three (3) major types of soil based on their characteristics and their compositions.

They are:

Clay soils

Made up of very small particles. They become waterlogged due to their porous nature. They have smooth texture and this makes them good for moulding. They are not good for growing crops.

Loamy soils

Made up of a lot of humus. They are known for their support to plant growth. They support plant growth because of their nutrient content (humus), air and water. Loamy soils do not have a particular texture. They are made of a mixture of different shapes.

Sandy soils

Made up of large or coarse, gritty structure and also have a big space between its particles. This helps water to pass through easily. This cannot support plant growth compared to loamy soils

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