Factors That Contribute to Human Rights Abuse

  1. Our level of education is very low. It was once said that ignorance of the law is no excuse, in the same vain, ignorance of our rights becomes no excuse for those who are already mean and wicked

  2. Poverty we say is a disease. When one is poor and food, shelter, clothing is really difficult to get, he/she tends to offer his/her basic freedom to anyone in order to get those needs

  3. The level of corruption in governance systems makes people lose confidence in the judicial systems and so are not able to run to these courts to win their rights back

  4. In this world of many forces, ignorance also leads to fear. And as fear brings low self-esteem, it is not surprising that people also take advantage of us

  5. Irresponsible guardians may also leave children to deal with any tough situation and leave them to their own fate. This also leads to human rights abuse

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