Experiment of Pressure in Liquid


Two empty tin cans, hammer, nail, water


i. Use hammer and a nail to make two holes at the same level but at the opposite side of the empty tin can.

ii.Hold the empty tin can above and pour water into it rapidly.

iii.Take the second empty tin can an make three holes along one side of it.

iv.The holes made in the empty tin can should be evenly spaced from the top to the bottom.

v.Hold the empty tin can and pour water rapidly into it.


In the set up A, water springs to equal distance from tin In set up B, the water springs from three different holes to different distances from the tin. The lower the hole, the more powerful the water comes out. The hole below the tin, springs to the greatest distance.


Pressure in liquids act equally in all direction in a fluid at a given depth but increases with depth.

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