Our Culture

Culture is the way of life, general beliefs and customs of a particular group of people. Culture can be divided into the following

i. Material culture

These are things that can be seen and handled. They include food, houses, clothes etc., these are all material things for the various ethnic groups like Ewes, Ga- Adangbes, Akans etc.

ii. Non-material

These are intangible things like values, attitudes, languages, customs, knowledge etc.


Culture is the way of life, general beliefs and customs of a particular group of people. Culture can be divided into the following

i. Material culture

These are things that can be seen and handled. They include food, houses, clothes etc., these are all material things for the various ethnic groups like Ewes, Ga- Adangbes, Akans etc.

ii. Non-material

These are intangible things like values, attitudes, languages, customs, knowledge etc.

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