Ways by which Ghanaians Express their Culture

Ghanaians are able to express their culture through marriage, dressing, music, festivals, religion, occupation etc.

i. Chieftaincy

Here, the "enstoolment" and "enskinment" processes of the various ethnic groups differ. In the Ashanti kingdom for instance, the stool is used by the chief whiles in the Northern sector, animal skin hide is used by the chiefs.

ii. Food

This is one varied characteristic of the Ghanaian culture. As people, the Ewes eat akple as their favourite, the Gas eat kenkey whiles Ashantis eat fufu etc.

iii. Religion

Generally, there are three major religions that dominate the various ethnic groups in the country. They are: Christianity, Islamic and Traditional religion.

iv. Language

This is the means of communication. It varies widely among the ethnic groups. The Akans mostly speak Twi, majority of the people in the Volta region speak Ewe, Majority of the people around the coastal areas of Greater Accra speak Ga, and the people around the coastal areas of Central region speak Fante etc.

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