Characteristics of Culture

It is very important to note the three major points that identify culture.

They are:

i. Dynamic

ii. Flexible

iii. Progressive

Culture is progressive

This means culture is meant to bring good and better conditions in the way of life of an individual and people as a whole.

Culture is dynamic

This explains culture as non-static in nature. Cultural change is very important and must be expected every time. There are many factors that contribute to cultural change; some of these are inventions, education, inter-marriages etc.

Culture is flexible

As we grow and move on in life, old cultural trends become outmoded. It is very important to allow change by removing old ones which retards growth. Culture must be humanly friendly and should not infringe on the human rights of people. Some of these outmoded and inhuman cultures are widowhood rites, female circumcision, trokosi system etc.

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