The Continents of The World
Continents are the large land masses that we see on our earth. These hard land masses where people and other living organisms live are made up of countries.
There are seven (7) Continents
Many people ignore Antarctica and many others combine North and South America as one.
The Seven (7) Continents are:
Africa, Europe, Asia, Antarctica, North America, South America and Australia.
It is the Southernmost continent of is the fifth largest among the seven continents. It is actually double the size of the whole of Australia. It is known to be the driest, coldest and also the windiest continent. With a very small population of less than 5000 residents. Antarctica is the least populated continent. Due to the hostile environment and the lack of resources, this continent was largely neglected and isolated.
Africa is the second largest continent in the world. It is also the second largest in terms of population. It is made up of 54 countries and home to about one billion people. Africa lies in the center of the earth. The population of Africa is the youngest in the whole world. About 50% of the residents in the continent are younger than 20 years of age.